Thursday, November 26, 2015

11/8/15 The Widow's Mite - Mark 12:35-44

Widow's mite - image from Wikipedia

The usual interpretation: focus on the widow & her selfless giving (v.41-44)

     The usual understanding of the widow's mite is focused on how much we should give to God. The widow serves as an example to us because even though she only had a few cents, she was completely determined to give everything over to God. 
     All too often we find ourselves only giving out of the surplus of “blessings” that God has given to us. I often pray that God will help us to use our blessings as He intends them to be used. If we are not careful enough, then we might find God's wonderful blessings as a “curse”. The difference is how we use what God has given us.

     Yes, the widow does serve as an example to us in how we should give. But there is more to the story than just the widow...

The less usual interpretation: focus on the context of passage & why she gave up all

     Reading the story of the widow's mite within its context will allow us to gain a better understanding of righteous giving according to God. Mark 12:35-37 tells us plainly that the crowd enjoyed listening to Jesus because He had worthy lessons to share. This established Jesus as a well respected teacher among this group of people.

     When Jesus is given this captive audience, He responds by giving them a strong warning against the “teachers of the law”(Mark 12:38-40 NIV). He specifically mentions their attitude toward widows when He states, “They devour widow's houses...” Mark 12:40 (NIV). They will not get away with treating the helpless unfair. They will receive a severe punishment.

     Only after these previous verses have been factored into the conversation will the story of the widow's mite be a more complete teaching on what it means to give. It is not simply that the widow gave all she had... it is the fact that the widow should not have been put in that place from the beginning if they treated her as God demands widows to be treated! The teachers of the law should have given to the widow so that her needs were already met... not that she had to give up what little she already had to live on.

     The widow serves as an example of a faithful giver. We are also called to contrast her example with that of the teachers of the law. Perhaps when it comes to our giving, we need to look a the big picture to see what God would have us to do. Some passages that will help teach us on this matter include Psalm 146, Acts 6, & 1 Timothy 5.

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