Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/11/15 Marriage According to God - Mark 10:1-16

Jesus speaks to the Pharisees: v.1-9
- This is not a fair question – the Pharisees “tested him” by attacking him on 2 sides
→ #1 There are 2 main schools of thought on what is an acceptable reason for divorce (see Jamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary on Matthew 5:31). Any answer Jesus gives them will upset someone... at least that is what they want.
→ #2 A well-known & powerful leader of their day (Herod Antipas) has entered a questionable marriage with his brother's wife. This is the same Herod that had John the Baptist imprisoned and eventually killed because of John's disapproval of their marriage (Mark 6:14-29).

- Jesus takes His answer to the very place everyone is expecting → the Law of Moses
This group of Jews love to discuss the Law of Moses & they know it very well
     Jesus plainly replies it was because of hard hearts that divorce was ever allowed.
Jesus' answer quickly takes an unexpected turn – He appeals to a time before the Law...

- Instead of the 'what if's' Jesus focuses on the 'what is' → God established marriage
What was God's original plan for marriage?
This is at the heart of Jesus' defense & it is what truly matters
Isn't this what we should each strive to find & achieve?

- The trap was about divorce, but Jesus chooses to teach instead about marriage...
God intended from the beginning for a man to leave his parents & be united to his wife. The 2 were supposed to become 1 flesh! There is no hint of a possibility of divorce within God's plan. If you enter marriage already looking for a way out, then why would you be surprised if it ended in divorce?

Jesus speaks to His disciples: v.10-12
- The disciples asked Jesus later about what He had said.
Sometimes, even a trap can be good & open an opportunity to teach truth.

- Here in private – Jesus responds even harsher about divorce...
Adultery almost always will follow a divorce. This is just one of the many problems with seeking to dissolve a marriage. While divorce is a hard road to travel down, Jesus shows there can still be hope when He spoke to the woman at the well from John 4 who already had 5 husbands and was currently living with a man.

- Jesus clearly states that adultery could be committed against the husband OR the wife
This would have been a revolutionary teaching for many of His disciples
Jesus effectively elevated the place of women – there is neither male or female in Christ!

Jesus speaks about children: v.13-16
- the first command given to the Adam & Eve was to be fruitful & multiply (Gen. 1:28)
It seems fitting that after Mark records Jesus' teaching about marriage that he would focus on Jesus' teaching about children.

- We must learn to accept God's kingdom like a child would accept it – humbly & in full faith of everything the Father tells us about it
     Contrast this type of faith to that of the Pharisees from v.2

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