Friday, October 30, 2015

10/25/15 Sons of Thunder Speak

Sons of Thunder Speak – Mark 10:32-45

Intro: Mark 10:32-34
Let us place ourselves among the disciples for a moment to take in the Lord's statements. The disciples have spent around three years following their Lord everywhere and now He is talking about His life being taken from Him. How is this good news? Let us see what lessons we can learn together...

Seeking Honor v.35-37
The right and left hand positions of a king were the most honorable seats in the kingdom. Only the king's closest friends or family members occupied these places.

- the good: James & John (the sons of thunder) have full faith that Jesus will establish His kingdom. They want to make sure they get front row seats to His coming to power.

- the bad: They picked a horrible time to ask such a selfish question. The irony of their request is that these “seats” were occupied by two thieves as Jesus died on the cross.

- the lesson: We must learn to have patience and accept things as they come to us during God's timing instead of forcing the issues too quickly.

Serious Situation v.38-41
Both images of the cup & baptism were symbols of enduring suffering and is certainly how Jesus uses them here. The cup of God's wrath appears in Isaiah 51:17 among other places.

- the good: James & John are willing to do whatever it takes to follow Jesus and help Him establish His kingdom! Jesus never denied them their seats of honor... He just said that those seats “...belong to those for whom they have been prepared.” (v.40 NIV)

- the bad: Jesus clearly tells them they must endure suffering (cup & baptism). Their request for honor undoubtedly caused tension among the 12 apostles (see v.41). The other 10 find themselves in no better of a condition since they become angry at James & John's request.

- the lesson: Sometimes our future is laid out for us already... we just have to keep the faith and follow God's plan for our lives.

Service of the Saints v.42-45
We are now at the section where Jesus drives home the lesson of the day. Jesus has a wonderful quality about Himself that even when placed in a bad situation He finds a way to preach the good news.

- the good: Christ's kingdom does not work like the kingdom of the Gentiles. They often abuse their position of power when ruling over people. Jesus assures us this is not how He will rule His kingdom. His kingdom will be ruled by those willing to serve. The greatest news in this passage is that the Son of Man Himself came to serve & to give His life as a ransom!

- the bad: The only “bad” from these verses is the fact of this difficult task Jesus leaves His disciples with.

- the lesson: Jesus clearly states how things work in His kingdom... so that means that we should be living that way right now!

Who can you best relate with from this passage of Scripture... the sons of thunder... the other 10... the gentile kingdoms... or Jesus' way? All too often we find our natural desires get in the way of following Christ (on His time). Let us live a life that will strive to serve others instead of demanding others to serve us. In order to be great in Christ's kingdom this type of lifestyle is not a polite suggestion but is the only way.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10/18/15 Jesus Christ: Forsaken Savior?

     While Jesus hung on the cross about to die He quoted Psalm 22 when He said, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46 NIV). Psalm 22 is a psalm that speaks of the coming messiah and we can see how fully Jesus fulfilled it. Notice the following examples...
    - Shaking their heads – Psalm 22:7 & Matthew 27:39
    - He trusts in God – Psalm 22:8 & Matthew 27:43
    - I am thirsty – Psalm 22:15 & John 19:28
    - They pierce my hands & my feet – Psalm 22:16 & John 20:25
    - They divide my clothes – Psalm 22:18 & Matthew 27:35
Jesus chose to quote this Psalm as one of the last things He said. It is because He could relate to the Psalmist at that very moment. It truly felt like God had forsaken Him. In the same way, we can easily relate with this Psalm during difficult times in our own lives. When you feel like you have been forsaken, remember this Psalm.

Forsaken? – Psalm 22:1-18

- Psalmist: He feels forsaken by God (v.1-2) & mankind (v.6-7, 16-18).

- Jesus: Jesus is God in the flesh yet He still felt as if God had forsaken Him (Mt. 27:46). If Jesus could feel forsake why should we assume we are any different.

- Us: There have been plenty of the Lord's servants that have felt forsaken by God at one time or another in their life. Chances are pretty high that you will feel forsaken by all at one point or anther in your life. Is this the reality of the situation or is this simply how we feel about it? Keep reading this psalm to see where this question leads us...

Freedom!– Psalm 22:19-26

- Psalmist: This psalm changes pace as the focus changes to actually calling out to God in prayer (v.19f). He knew freedom was possible because of his ancestors (v.4-5).

- Jesus: It was for our freedom that Christ came and set us free! He not only knew freedom was possible but was also willing to give up everything (including His own life) for us to experience it.

- Us: Sometimes the best way for us to overcome the forsaken feeling is to cry out to God for help just like this psalmist. At first he was just complaining but this rarely results in progress. There is more than freedom in this psalm...

Fellowship – Psalm 22:27-31

- Psalmist: The psalmist begins by looking only at himself, later includes Israelites, but is now including all. Notice how many times the inclusive term “all” is used in these few verses. That “all” includes not only those currently alive but also includes “...a people yet unborn...” (Psalm 22:31).

- Jesus: Christ's sacrifice is the only way that all can experience this level of fellowship.

- Us: Our fellowship has now been expanded to all who will accept God and His way. Many of the barriers once raised have come crashing down in Christ Jesus. This is good news and needs to be shared!

We worship a God who cares about each and every one of us. It might feel like we are alone at times and that no one cares about us. It is not wrong to feel forsaken... even Jesus felt this way at the end of His life. This psalm shows us that God is not far away from any of us. Our feelings might be deceptive but God has promised never to leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/11/15 Marriage According to God - Mark 10:1-16

Jesus speaks to the Pharisees: v.1-9
- This is not a fair question – the Pharisees “tested him” by attacking him on 2 sides
→ #1 There are 2 main schools of thought on what is an acceptable reason for divorce (see Jamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary on Matthew 5:31). Any answer Jesus gives them will upset someone... at least that is what they want.
→ #2 A well-known & powerful leader of their day (Herod Antipas) has entered a questionable marriage with his brother's wife. This is the same Herod that had John the Baptist imprisoned and eventually killed because of John's disapproval of their marriage (Mark 6:14-29).

- Jesus takes His answer to the very place everyone is expecting → the Law of Moses
This group of Jews love to discuss the Law of Moses & they know it very well
     Jesus plainly replies it was because of hard hearts that divorce was ever allowed.
Jesus' answer quickly takes an unexpected turn – He appeals to a time before the Law...

- Instead of the 'what if's' Jesus focuses on the 'what is' → God established marriage
What was God's original plan for marriage?
This is at the heart of Jesus' defense & it is what truly matters
Isn't this what we should each strive to find & achieve?

- The trap was about divorce, but Jesus chooses to teach instead about marriage...
God intended from the beginning for a man to leave his parents & be united to his wife. The 2 were supposed to become 1 flesh! There is no hint of a possibility of divorce within God's plan. If you enter marriage already looking for a way out, then why would you be surprised if it ended in divorce?

Jesus speaks to His disciples: v.10-12
- The disciples asked Jesus later about what He had said.
Sometimes, even a trap can be good & open an opportunity to teach truth.

- Here in private – Jesus responds even harsher about divorce...
Adultery almost always will follow a divorce. This is just one of the many problems with seeking to dissolve a marriage. While divorce is a hard road to travel down, Jesus shows there can still be hope when He spoke to the woman at the well from John 4 who already had 5 husbands and was currently living with a man.

- Jesus clearly states that adultery could be committed against the husband OR the wife
This would have been a revolutionary teaching for many of His disciples
Jesus effectively elevated the place of women – there is neither male or female in Christ!

Jesus speaks about children: v.13-16
- the first command given to the Adam & Eve was to be fruitful & multiply (Gen. 1:28)
It seems fitting that after Mark records Jesus' teaching about marriage that he would focus on Jesus' teaching about children.

- We must learn to accept God's kingdom like a child would accept it – humbly & in full faith of everything the Father tells us about it
     Contrast this type of faith to that of the Pharisees from v.2

10/4/15 The Law - Our Lord - Our Liberty

Intro: this sermon is where our Sunday am class (Romans) collides with our Wednesday pm class (Galatians) → the product is a wonderful explanation of Christ's part in setting us free from the bondage experienced by those under the Law.

The Law & Our Lord: Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12
- Hebrews 1:1-4
God has used several different ways to communicate to His people in days of old
those days have past – now is the time of communication through Jesus!

There is no one / nothing as good as Christ (He is not just better → He is the BEST!)
Hebrews shows Christ is better – than prophets, angels, Moses, Joshua, & priests

- Hebrews 2:1-4
We MUST pay careful attention
if this was true of the Law → even more true under Christ!
our salvation – announced by the Lord & confirmed by those who heard him
God confirmed it (in many ways) → there is NO excuse for us today

- Hebrews 2:5-12
the Law was delivered over by angels (2:2) but the coming world isn't subjected to them
it is subjected to mankind/son of man (even though they were made lower)
Jesus lowered Himself below angels & He tasted death for everyone (v.9)

Through Christ's sacrifice → many sons & daughters were brought to glory!
Jesus glory described in Hebrews 1:3
Jesus goes so far as to call us His family (brothers & sisters v.11)

& Our Liberty: Galatians 3:22-29
Example: everything was locked up under the Law (like a locked trunk)
when Christ came – He was the key that set us free
1,400 BC (the Law) -----> 33 AD (Our Lord) -----> Now (Our Liberty)

How to become God's child today
through faith = baptism into Christ & clothed with Christ

The Law was important and served its purpose well
Our Lord came & allowed us to fully know faith
Our Liberty comes to us from the selfless act of Jesus giving His life for us on the cross